Sunday, April 18, 2010

Daily Inspiration 9-24-2009

Happy Thursday everybody!
So today, I'm leaving for Japan! yay! So unfortunately, I won't be able to send out the daily inspiration quite as "daily". I will try to send one as often as I can, but not sure how frequently. 
I hope you all have been enjoying these daily emails as much as I have creating them. =0) 
now on with the inspiration!

Daily Inspiration Picture:
some pictures to get me psyched!

Daily Inspiration Video:
Coldplay - Lovers in Japan
compilation with music for Lost in Ttranslation

Daily Inspiration Quote(s):
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.Unknown

have a great day/weekend/week everybody!! Until the next email, enjoy all the moments that take your breath away! And if you remember each moment before you sleep everyday, life will become more joyous.

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