Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daily Inspiration 01-28-2010

Happy Thursday everybody!

Daily Inspiration Picture:
This was a project for daily practice by the artist:

What is Sketch-A-Day

The Sketch-A-Day project is one I decided to undertake after feeling that my skills were slipping a little here and there. While it started as a personal project for self improvement, I’m hoping to inspire the drive to sketch in budding artists, new designers, and even seasoned designers and illustrators alike.
Let me be clear – this is by no means a perfect collection or a collection of perfect sketches by some master designer. This is the raw, daily output of someone trying to inspire the drive to sketch. Sure, I know it’s not all perfect, but there’s passion in these sketches.
My hope is that in some way I can inspire anyone interested in drawing to do what I did – to sketch, draw, scribble, or doodle whatever it is you feel like. In the long run, you’ll be better off for it, and in no time, you’ll see marked improvement in your skills.
That’s what this sketch-a-day project is about – Inspiring others to sketch. If you feel inspired, spread the word, share this on facebook or twitter, or simply tell a colleague or classmate. Spread the spark of passion for the sketch!
Spencer Nugent – Designer – Coder – Illustrator
great examples of his sketches:

Daily Inspiration Video:
I thought this was a great speech by Conan Obrien on his last show..trully from the heart :)

Daily Inspiration Quote(s):
When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible. ~
- anonymous

have a great day everybody!!

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